See the winners below Interactive Digital Media Student Contest 2022 or read the full press release about the event.
IDMSC Grand Prize 2022
IDMSC Grand Prize 2022, provided by Deltatel company, along with the IDMSC trophy 3D printed by NuTechnologies company was awarded to the student Stefan Chivu from the Faculty of Automation and Computers, Politehnica University Timișoara, for the project EasyPark – a mobile application used to make it easier to find a parking space in crowded public areas, by processing information taken from a network of sensors located in the field.

Explore Timisoara in VR
Explore Timisoara in VR, application developed by Marius-Cosmin Tătaru, Sorina Zorita Gavriliuc-Voina, Radu-Dorian Stamatoiu (PhD students at the Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania), Giulia Innocentini and Eliana Maria Torre (PhD student at Università di Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy) and Peter Guld Leth, Oskar Bill Zhou (master's students at the University of Aalborg, Denmark), – which involves a new user interface, the addition of a 3D city map, some new Timișoara sights, including audio, and a complete change in how the user selects a location.

Timisoara quest in XR
Timisoara quest in XR, a virtual environment developed by Silviu Berzescu (master's student at the Politehnica University of Timișoara), Maria Toloni (master student at Università di Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy), Mikkel Sang Mee Baunsgaard (master student at Aalborg University, Denmark) – where users can interact and learn more about objects from the heritage of the National Museum of Banat. All the content of the application is superimposed on reality, users can see the environment around them. The user can interact with the objects inside the boxes that are scattered in the real environment.

Web Development Award
Web Development Award, offered by the Haufe Group company arrived at Dumitru Gotca (undergraduate student) and Dragos Todoroșcean (master's student), both from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, "Ștefan cel Mare" University from Suceava, for the application Reportify – an application for reporting social issues, with the ability to register users by county, create posts that include photo, video, pdf, located on the map.

Graphic Design and Audio-Video Production Award
Graphic Design and Audio-Video Production Award, provided by the SafeFleet company was handed to the student from Timisoara Sandra-Ofima Vlad (bachelor's degree, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies, Politehnica University of Timișoara) for the video Six of Crows.

Mobile Development Award
Mobile Development Award, provided by the Nokia company arrived at the project SilentSOS, created by Alexandra Ciui (Master's student at the Faculty of Automation and Computers, Politehnica University Timișoara). The purpose of the mobile application, SilentSOS, is to generate an emergency message, in a short time, by a hearing-impaired person in an emergency situation.

Internet of Things Award
The Internet of Things Award, provided by the Cobalt Sign company arrived at Gabriel Claudio Radu and George Bogdan Trîmbitaș (high school students in the 10th grade at the "Titu Maiorescu" Aiud National College) for the system Breezy Air Quality Meter – an Arduino project based on sensors, an ambient air monitor with alarm functions for critical situations, which gives the user information about the atmosphere he breathes (temperature, humidity, pressure, concentration of volatile organic compounds-VOC), but also signals warning sounds and lights when the values exceed the maximum allowed and constitute a potential danger.

Special Prize
Special Prize provided by Multimedia Center of UPT went to Valentin Sorescu (undergraduate student, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies, Politehnica University Timișoara) for the developed projects: Nokia WebApp StatisticTest – which aims to create and implement a web application that allows the user to access information about the status of the tests carried out internally and Bluetooth controlled Arduino RC Car – a car controlled via Bluetooth, via a smartphone app.

Thanks also to the sponsors, who provided the prizes and judging!

We hereby congratulate the winners, as well as all the participants in the contest!