Cei care ne ajută să facem acest eveniment posibil:

Nokia is a global technology leader at the heart of our connected world.
Powered by the research and innovation of Nokia Bell Labs, we serve communications service providers, governments, large enterprises and consumers, with the industry’s most complete, end-to-end portfolio of products, services and licensing. From the enabling infrastructure for 5G and the Internet of Things, to emerging applications in virtual reality and digital health, we are shaping the future of technology to transform the human experience. A truly global company, we are 160 nationalities working in more than 100 countries.
Nokia Campus Timisoara is home to the biggest Research and Development in the telecommunications industry in Romania, as well as one of the biggest multiple technologies and multi-vendor networks operation centers. Furthermore, it is a center of excellence for the planning, optimizing, implementation and maintenance of multiple technologies networks, offering end-to-end services in Romania and globally, as well as apps, particularly operational maintenance systems, IoT and customer experience.

SafeFleet (ETA Automatizari Industriale) is one of the most innovative companies in the field of M2M in Romania. Emerging technologies are embraced with enthusiasm by more than 14 years of a young team of R&D, tested and implemented in products that bring value to our customers.
Many of our solutions have been launched on the market before their time, SafeFleet is both a pioneer and demand creator for M2M products that are now in a mature phase: monitoring fleet by GPS, AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) or parking paid through mobile phone.
We carefully choose our suppliers and integrate technologies only “future-proof”. So we can provide to our customers quality solutions and guarantee that we will be on the market over several years. Powerful companies like Google, Cinterion (formely Siemens Wireless Modules), Maporama or Vodafone support our efforts to provide Romanian market one of the most powerful systems for monitoring the fleet by GPS – SafeFleet X700.
The first version of this system was implemented in 2002 in a pilot project at RA Transport Timisoara to monitor two lines of transport and to display in stations the information about the route.

De peste 30 de ani, ETA2U este unul dintre principalii integratori de sisteme și soluții IT complexe din România, furnizor de produse şi servicii IT și una dintre cele mai certificate companii din IT-ul românesc. Expertiza noastră este susținută de relațiile consolidate, iar extinderea teritorială națională subliniază recunoașterea și încrederea pe care clienții noștri le acordă. Suntem aici pentru a oferi soluții inovatoare și a susține succesul continuu al afacerilor dumneavoastră. Soluțiile și serviciile ETA2U sunt gândite să sprijine optimizarea proceselor de business ale clienților noștri și să contribuie hotărâtor la realizarea unor reduceri de cost semnificative, în condițiile respectării unor norme de calitate de cel mai înalt standard. În mod continuu ne raliem tendințelor pieței IT. Suntem implicați în proiecte de cercetare-inovare la nivel European și participăm la dezvoltarea tehnologiilor și soluțiilor inovatoare viitoare, pe care le punem la dispoziție clienților noștri înainte ca ele să devină larg răspândite comercial, oferindu-le astfel un avantaj competitiv de business. Investim consecvent în resursa umană prin specializarea și certificarea personalului, încurajăm ideile noi și ne adaptăm cerințelor prin flexibilitate și inventivitate.

Haufe Group is one of the most innovative media and software vendors in Germany, that offers integrated and comprehensive workplace solutions to successfully manage tax, commercial and legal challenges, using state-of-the-art technology. Our solutions cover content, applications, professional training and qualifications, services as well as online communities and portals.
We have consistently developed into a specialist for digital and web-based services. Headquartered in Freiburg, Germany, Haufe employs more than 1,800 people around the world.
As a provider of integrated enterprise and workplace solutions, we endorse a management approach that places employees at the center of entrepreneurial thinking and action. Our employees make our company successful!
With 8 years of successful projects in software development, our team in Timisoara has now the target of becoming an Engineering Center. We encourage a culture that allows you to:
Have courage
Be curious
Engage & Excel
Be part of a performing Team

Grupul LASTING este unul cu tradiție în spațiul tehnologiilor de business din România, având o activitate de peste 26 de ani și un portofoliu variat de produse, soluții și servicii cu valoare adăugată care acoperă multiple verticale de afaceri. Compania dezvoltă soluții software care integrează telecomunicațiile terestre și cele prin satelit, în parteneriat cu ESA (Agenția Spațială Europeană) și alți jucători din industrie. LASTING System este un distribuitor cu valoare adăugată (VAD) care oferă produse, soluții și servicii servicii performante de gestionare a infrastructurii IT. Soluțiile LASTING susțin dezvoltarea partenerilor pe drumul către transformarea digitală. Aduc valoare parteneriatelor, țintesc excelența la nivel tehnic și construiesc relații de succes pe termen lung.

Here at Cobalt Sign, we are creating native mobile apps for iOS, Android & Windows, since 2011. The one sentence that defines us and our work looks like this: “Don’t stop until you’re proud.”. As it states, we are always focusing on crafting beautiful, high-quality mobile applications that we are proud of, both for our clients and for ourselves. Throughout the years we’ve developed lots of apps, for international and local businesses, but we also enjoy contributing to the local communities and events by organizing Mobile Summer – a free mobile development course for students – and creating pro bono-apps for NGOs. Our own apps are award winning and featured in the app stores. One of them, “Ready Set Holiday!”, a stylish travel preparation app has reached 1 million downloads recently and is growing fast. Building apps to delight millions, With from Timisoara. Cobalt Sign

Nutechnologies este o companie ambitioasa, constituita in anul 2012 si specializata in promovarea echipamentelor industriale inovative: imprimante 3D, scanere 3D, sisteme laser pentru taiere, sudura, marcare 2D sau 3D. Suntem reprezentantul tehnic si comercial autorizat in Romania al urmatorilor producatori:
Stratasys – leaderul mondial in productia de imprimante 3D profesionale
ZEISS Optotechnik – leaderul european in productia de scanere 3D profesionale
Sisma – leaderul pietei italiene de sisteme laser